Daisypath Wedding tickers

Friday, September 12, 2008

Kevin & Courtney's Wedding

Kevin & Courtney's Wedding
Saturday September 6th 2008 was a great day. Two of my friends out here in LA- Kevin Krueger and Courtney Cazale got married back in her hometown of Palo Alto, CA. Corey and I were already on the road since we drove to Lake Tahoe for Labor Day with the dogs so we continued on our road trip to the wedding. Palo Alto is actually the town over from Los Altos Hills where my aunt and uncle have their primary home so we spent Friday night at their house and then when everyone got in town we moved to the wedding hotel to be closer to the action. The wedding was so much fun. I think I can honestly say that the dance floor was packed the entire time. Now this wasn't hard to do considering that this wasn't a small wedding - 280 people to be exact and I think everyone in the place was dancing. At one point my cousin Kristi and her husband Justin busted out the invisible double dutch jump rope. Yeah you heard me. Double dutch like the 4th grade playground but it was invisible. It was absolutely hilarious. In fact it was so real that my roommate Autumn broke her foot when she jumped out of the invisible jump ropes. At the time she didn't realize how bad she had hurt her foot until we got back home. Needless to say this was a wedding to remember especially for Autumn. Danny, Me, Corey, Autumn, Justin Bartlett, My Brother

1 comment:

Lauren and Allen Oakes said...

Thanks, Suz! I really have such a passion for party planning and invitations and would love to do something with that one day maybe on the side. Until then, if you ever need help throwing a party, I would love to help or anyone else! Hopefully, I'll get to plan one for you soon!!!! In regards to the baby making, it's so much harder than I thought it would be to get pregnant. I'm serious! I guess I thought it would be easier because everyone else just seemed to get pregnant right off the bat but I guess some people, as in us, have a harder time at it. But we are practicing and hopefully one day soon we will be!!!